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Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Random Random

First off, I'm going to China to work for a furniture retail company that is the main distributor for lots of big Italian brands like B&B Italia. Very interesting job cos I get to work with designers like Patricia Urquiola whom until now I've only read about in FRAME. To think I might be meeting her and working with her in time. Should be cool to blog about in the future. "Yea, so that night me and Pat, I always call her Pat, went for baby lobsters..." - an excerpt from a future post.

Other than that.
Somehow, someway, I found this website through some link somewhere. Man I must be really nerdy for being able to find stuff like this remotely interesting. Only made possible by the anonymity the internet affords and the ridiculous thoughts/acts people can conjure.
Its basically a confessions site where people can make any confession, real or made up.
Examples include:
"I'm addicted to eating my own dandruff, is this wrong?"
and "I think about rugby more than sex."

Here's the latest link from Coolhunting. PUMA
I love Puma. I own just 1 pair but would love to get more. Especially those by Mihara Yasuhiro.
These new ones are pretty cool too. Love the catalog as well.

On another note, we just got a new mini fridge for upstairs. Which is great cos it means less trudging for me to get drinks late at night. Also great cos it just seems perfect for the living room, watching telly and popping a coke. Which leads me to gripe about how my original thesis idea for a pantry/seating element or kitchen/living room hybrid furniture device was unfairly bumped as being dumb. Anyway. The lil fridge was really cold and set to freezing for some reason so I got to experience some lovely semi sloshy smoothie like Heaven & Earth Green Tea.

Lastly, you just have to try out Royce's choco staff chocolates. Royce
Available at Takashimaya basement. Absolutely fabulous. I first tried it like last year. My mother bought some and I was in love.


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