in glob we blog

Monday, November 29, 2004

WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It feels great when you finish your boards, better when its ahead of schedule and absolutely fantastic when your team just won a match, better still when its the arse...
A wonder strike from Mellor at the end... That lad is gonna stay in the first team for a while...
I always feel like my life is kind of like how Pool plays, badly in recent times, sparks of brilliance... Hopefully with this morale boosting win over the arses, both me and the club can turn the corner.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004


1 more down. 5 to go... I'm so lucky Wenhui's helping me do so much stuff...
So looking forward to playing d.o, eating really zai food, shopping for xmas...

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

6 Days and counting

Yay. Just six days before the misery will worsen for another 6 months. Met Andre today (finally!) and kena slam left right center. Asked him to help me he kept repeating the same stuff. But I guess I still have to do everything all over again.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Woo One week left before my funeral!

7 days before someone packs me in a box. Good thing Hans is doing an eco-friendly coffin.

Saturday, November 20, 2004


HEHE! Submitted my scrappy report... Now just left to try and complete my design concept, then "slog" another six months before I'm done with this undergraduate stuff. Sick of school.

I wanna travel. To exotic lands like Argentina in Happy Together or Iceland or Morocco... Just makes me wonder how come people like Khoo Swee Chiow (spelling?) exist... Leave his pregnant wife and go climb mountain or whatever... Wonder who's supporting his "work"... Actually I'm just a bit jealous that someone can have an existence basically composed of travelling.

OK. I'm gonna be a travel writer. For a design rag. Like Wallpaper* or FRAME or I.D or iSH or whatever.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

POOL LOSE! Drunken party!

WAH LAU! Lose to Birmingham! Some more let Anderton! score... Cock up! Think we should change mascot.

Anyway we just had this crazy party in school just yesterday. Where we saw Lishan, normally calm and composed, blurt out stuff like "NO! Tomorrow I go send my dog for grooming!" amongst some unmentionables in a very unladylike, loud manner. PLUS, we also had 3 pukings. One involved Hunn dumping his load from 3 storeys down to a drain below. (I had to drag him home later) The second had a guy making a lot of puke noise but no puke. We left him on two tables in the room.
Flo was already knocked out on the tables long before the first 2. But only after he staggered to the bathroom, puking all over NUS SDE. After he seemed to have cleared his system, he collapsed onto his makeshift bed, only to wake up a while later, lifting his head a bit, to puke some more, kissing his puke and the table, while I wiped his puke away with a pack of tissues. A while later, me and Winston asked him if he wanted to go home. To which his reply was "I can drink...".
Playing the seven up game was real fun and so was pingpong after that, all the while making a whole load of noise next to some Masters in Urban Design students working hard a few metres behind the partition.

Good times.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Pool win in CL / COMPLAINTS / New car.

Wah lau! Can't believe it! One nil away to Depor...
Wish I can start getting the tutors to score for me as well... Talk to Andre just kena slam only, no useful input or comments. Dunno why talk to him for... Now I'm planning to see him tomorrow and I don't even know if I got anything decent to show him... Jus a couple of cads and most prob just one or 2 models...
Then next sem gotta retake the stupid EE! All because admin cock up! URGH!!! Plus I dunno if I can pass the damn manufacturing processes. And the stupid far east shop where i bought Wen's Holga still owe me $106 but i haven't gone to collect cos no time!

BUT! We have a new car! A Pajero Mini. Which is a lot like my neighbour's dogs. Tiny little buggers that make a shitload of noise without doing anything! As cute as the yellow mini jeeplet is, it's got a noisy, wimpy engine. (just 600cc) So, I won't be speeding along that much anymore. Instead its going to be safe driving.
It takes some work to break the speed limit. I can rev a lot and accelerate until 40 and shoot off. After that, everyone just catches up! By the time I reach about 60, I'm probably gonna have to stop for the next traffic light. On expressways, I was mostly at 80. Hardly ever touched 90. This is a jeepie for slow driving. Looks like no more last minute rushing for me and mom.