in glob we blog

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy CNY

Yay~! Its Chinese New Year... Who cares... I've been having miserable holidays since xmas. Anyway... just decided to reblog again... Maybe this time I'll spend more time on it and one day find some sort of dedicated purpose to it... Like a blog on cameras or something like that...

On that note, I just received a drybox to hoard away my camera collection, which at the moment stands as follows:
1. Polaroid Spectra 1200
2. Polaroid One Step
3. Smena 8M
4. Holga
5. Holga Micro
6. Seagull 海鷗
7. Argus C-3
8. Zorki 10

Yes its pathetic cos most of the cams arent pro cams or whatever... I just like how they look and the fact that they're lousy, cheap cameras. Next up in the pipeline are a white SX-70 and a compact automat. Maybe a diana.


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